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Prescription products must have a valid prescription emailed or faxed to ProgressiveRx. More info...

Product Details

Brand Name QVAR Brand (Standard Shipping Only) (Beclomethasone)

Warning: If you are switching (or have recently switched) to beclomethasone inhalation from dexamethasone (Decadron, Dexone), methylprednisolone (Medrol), or prednisone (Deltasone) and have an injury, infection, severe asthma attack, or surgery, use a full dose of dexamethasone (even if you have been gradually decreasing your dose) and call your doctor for additional instructions. Write down the name of the medication and the full dose you took before decreasing it. Ask your pharmacist or doctor how to get this card. List your name, medical problems, medications and dosages, and doctor's name and telephone number on the card.

For more information on QVAR(Beclomethasone), click here.

Shipped From:
1 inhaler / 100 Mcg/200 MDI
$0.10 USD / Inhaler
$60.99 USD
Prescription products must have a valid prescription emailed or faxed to ProgressiveRx. More info...